Love whoever you want

This is the message chosen by Fabio Marras, a photojournalist from Cagliari specializing in weddings, for his advertising campaign. The image shows us two marriages, one of which was celebrated between two men.

By combining the commercial with the social purpose, the photographer wanted to launch an important message in support of egalitarian marriage.

«Although I am well aware that same-sex marriage is still not allowed - Fabio told us - I decided to use my profession for a purpose that was not purely commercial. A bit like wondering how to be useful to others with the means at your disposal. I fight the prejudices that have been part of my life, I have had them and something is still latent. It was enough to ask oneself to identify with others: how would I feel, what would I feel, what situation would I be in if I were that person? The biggest and most common mistake is judging without knowing. You are wrong twice: you stain yourself with injustice and pride yourself on your ignorance. When someone tells us a fact, the more striking this is, the higher the probability that it is not true ».

The campaign started on Facebook, continued on the CagliariAPP application and on a local magazine Orticedrus. But the biggest investment is certainly the one that saw the light on October 19, with two six-meter by three-meter billboards installed in two key points in the city of Cagliari.

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